सेक्स की संभावना तलाशें सरकार: कोर्ट खास खबर
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Do sisters influence teenage pregnancy?
Teenage pregnancy is "contagious" between sisters, researchers in the UK and Norway have claimed.
study of more than 42,000 Norwegian teenage girls suggested they were more likely to become pregnant if their older sister had a baby as a teenager.
The effect was greatest when the sisters were of a similar age or from a poorer background.
The Family Planning Association said the results may not necessarily apply to the UK but were still interesting.
Factors such as family background and level of education are already known to influence teenage pregnancy. This new research, carried out in conjunction with the University of Bristol, looked at the specific effect sisters have on each other.
"Sisters generally spend more time together than schoolmates or friends and so sisters are likely to be influenced by the behaviour of their siblings," the report said.
They looked at data from children born between 1947 and 1958 to compare families from a similar background from different regions of Norway.
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“Start Quote
More policies aimed directly at decreasing teenage pregnancy may be needed in order to reduce teen births”
Professor Carol Propper University of Bristol 'Sister effect'
The researchers said the probability of the younger sister having a teenage pregnancy went from one in five to two in five if the elder sister had a baby as a teenager.
Spending more time in school did reduce the probability of a teenage pregnancy, but on a much smaller scale than the effect of a pregnant sister.
One of the researchers, Professor Carol Propper, described this as "the contagious effect of teen motherhood". She said, "Two groups were particularly vulnerable - those in low income households and sisters close in age."
She argued that any "sister effect" would wear off as the age gap increased because the siblings would be on "different life trajectories", whereas those of similar ages would have similar social circles.
The study looked at births rather than conceptions. Professor Propper said an elder sister with a baby could also influence the decision to keep a baby.
"The research says how important family is compared to institutions or mandating children to stay at school for an extra couple of years," she said.
"It is important when thinking about campaigns to affect teen pregnancy. More policies aimed directly at decreasing teenage pregnancy may be needed in order to reduce teen births."
Rebecca Findlay, from the Family Planning Association, said: "Teenage pregnancy is complicated.
"Social and economic deprivation and poor education all impact hugely onto it and we already know that being the daughter of a teenage mother is one of the contributing risk factors towards teenage pregnancy.
"Although it's difficult to draw direct comparisons to this country just yet, this research is of interest."
Jules Hillier, the deputy chief executive of the charity Brook, said: "There are links between low aspirations, deprivation and teenage pregnancy, but there are also a whole range of measures that need to be in place to reduce teenage pregnancy rates such as comprehensive sex and relationships education and easy access to sexual health services."
भ्रष्टाचार का दर्द
भारत के भ्रष्टाचार पर जलवायु परिवर्तन की ही तरह अकादमिक चर्चा होती है. कोई अति-उत्साही सुझाव देता है- 'चीन की तरह मौत की सज़ा होनी चाहिए'...फिर अति-व्यावहारिक सुझाव- 'रिश्वत का रेट फ़िक्स होना चाहिए...'
अकादमिक यानी हमारा कोई 'लेना-देना' नहीं है, 'हम तो देश भविष्य के लिए चिंतित हैं'. भ्रष्टाचार पर चर्चा में हमारा अपना आचरण कितना 'भ्रष्ट' है इसका एहसास न होना एक बड़ी समस्या है.
संयोगवश 'लेने' लायक़ हालत मेरी कभी नहीं रही, लेकिन 'देने' का दर्द भूला नहीं हूँ, इसमें 'देने' से मना न कर पाने की ग्लानि भी शामिल है, यानी मैं नहीं कह सकता कि मेरा कोई 'लेना-देना' नहीं है.
भ्रष्टाचार लोकाचार है, ये एहसास पहली बार 21 साल की उम्र में हुआ जब नए बने मकान में पानी का कनेक्शन जुड़वाने के लिए अपने हाथों से घूस दी, अपने उबलते ख़ून से ज्यादा परवाह पीने के पानी की थी. उसूलों की लड़ाई में नया घर करबला बन सकता था.
देशभक्त लोगों को यह जानकर थोड़ा एक्स्ट्रा दुख होगा कि वह तारीख़ थी--पंद्रह अगस्त.
अक्सर सोचता हूँ कि भ्रष्टाचार को लेकर भारतीय लोग इतने सहनशील क्यों हैं? क्यों ऐसा होता है कि टेलीफ़ोन घोटाले में पकड़ा गया नेता टेलीफ़ोन चुनाव चिन्ह के साथ चुनाव लड़कर भारी बहुमत से जीत जाता है.
बचपन में हमें सिखाया जाता था-- 'जो मिल-बाँट खाए, गंगा नहाए'... कहीं ये उसका असर तो नहीं? रोटी के आटे में से कुछ मछलियों के लिए, एक रोटी गाय के लिए, एक रोटी कुत्ते के लिए, एक कौव्वे के लिए...यानी सबका थोड़ा-थोड़ा हिस्सा.
कहीं भ्रष्टाचार को 'सर्वजन सुखाय' की तरह देखने की हमारी आदत तो नहीं. थोड़ी-सी तकलीफ़ सिर्फ़ तब होती है जब 'देना' पड़ता है (बिल्कुल दहेज की तरह) वर्ना यह भी एक व्यवस्था है जिसे कोई अकेले नहीं बदल सकता, और यहाँ आकर महान लोकतंत्र के सभी नागरिक अकेले हो जाते हैं.
भ्रष्टाचार ख़त्म करने के नारे कभी-कभी लगते हैं लेकिन कोई नहीं सोचता कि अगर सदाचार आ गया तो क्या होगा, इसलिए नहीं सोचता क्योंकि ऐसा होने का यक़ीन किसी को नहीं है, लेते हुए पकड़े जाएँगे तो देके छूट जाएँगे, इस बात का पूरा यक़ीन है.
मेरे ही न जाने कितने दोस्त-रिश्तेदार उसी के सहारे अपना घर चला रहे हैं. सरकारी और प्राइवेट की तरह यह रोज़गार देने वाला तीसरा बड़ा सेक्टर है, हर दफ़्तर में जितने कर्मचारी नियुक्त होते हैं वे अपने तीन-चार एजेंट तैनात करते हैं, ये एजेंट कभी एप्लायमेंट एक्सचेंज नहीं जाते, बेरोज़गारी के आंकड़े में वे शामिल नहीं हैं, उनका घर भी चलता रहता है, आपका काम भी हो ही जाता है.
भ्रष्टाचार से बहुत दुखी होकर एक बार मैं अपने एक अनुभवी और व्यावहारिक मित्र के पास गया. उन्होंने कहा, "तो दे दो न, इतना परेशान क्यों हो रहे हो, दोगे भी और ऊपर से परेशान भी हो".
मेरा मन नहीं माना तो उन्होंने मुझे शांत करने के लिए वही कहा जो गौतम बुद्ध ने पुत्रशोक में विह्वल महिला से कहा था. 'ऐसे घर से एक मुट्ठी चावल ले आ आओ जहाँ कभी कोई न मरा हो...' वे बोले, "मुझे एक ऐसे आदमी से मिलवा दो जिसने घूस न ली हो, न दी हो."
मैंने अपना बता दिया, आप अपने दिल पर हाथ रखकर बताइए. वैसे विश्वास करना ज़रा मुश्किल है. भ्रष्टाचार को ख़त्म करने के बारे में सुझाव देते रहिए, उनका हमेशा स्वागत है.
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The government has promised to tackle sexual abuse Nearly one third of Tanzanian girls experience sexual violence before they turn 18, a Unicef survey has found.
The figure among boys is 13.4%, says the UN children's agency.
The most common form of abuse is sexual touching, followed by attempted intercourse, it says.
Unicef official Andy Brooks said the survey was the most comprehensive carried out on this issue in any country and showed the government was prepared to tackle the problem.
"Tanzania is the first country with the courage to expose the full extent of child abuse among boys and girls," he told the BBC's Focus on Africa programme.
The survey also found that of those who had sex before they turned 18, 29.1% of females and 17.5% of males reported that their first encounter was unwilling.
This meant they were forced or coerced to engage in sexual intercourse, Unicef said.
Tanzania's Education Minister Shukuru Kawambwa said the government was determined to end sexual abuse.
It would set up reporting mechanisms for abuse victims and would urge teachers to take care of vulnerable children, he said.
Mr Brooks said similar surveys would be carried out in Kenya, Rwanda, Malawi, Zimbabwe and South Africa.
10 August 2011 Last updated at 14:54 GMT
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Dr B.R. Ambedkar. No other national figure in Indian politics in the 20th century matched his scholarly orientation.
IN the centenary year of his birth, Babasaheb Ambedkar stands taller than he ever did before – his role in the struggle for a modern, new India gaining steadily in weight, stature and centrality at the expense of various other outstanding national figures who were contemporaries and opponents in the great battles of the freedom movement era. This is essentially because the deep-seated and central problems spotlighted by his life, struggles, studies and experimentation in ideas remain alive and kicking while the big socio-political questions he raised about the state, well-being and future of India remain basically unanswered.
He was born Bhimrao on April 14, 1891, at Mhow in Central India in an austere and religious Mahar family with a military service background and considerable respect for education. In school (Satara and Bombay), college (Bombay), service under the Maharaja of Baroda (briefly in 1913 and again between July and November 1917) and study abroad (Columbia University, the London School of Economics, Gray’s Inn, the University of Bonn), he displayed a scholarly orientation, a commitment to the life of the mind and trained intellectual gifts that no other national figure in Indian politics could match over this century.
He benefited from opportunities which had just opened up, which none in his family (or, for that matter, in the recorded history of his people) had access to over the centuries; yet every one of his academic, intellectual and professional achievements was hard earned, in social battle, against entrenched oppression, discrimination and anti-human prejudice. By the time he was finished with his formal studies in the early 1920s, Dr Ambedkar had acquired qualifications that surpassed the M.A., Ph.D., M.Sc. (Econ), D.Sc. (Econ), Barrister-at-law he had added, by right, to his name and title; the young man had been through a real life educational experience which most people (including the most renowned scholars) do not manage to acquire in a lifetime.
Skin Cancer can be Prevented by Common Drug
Category: Drug News
Thursday, January 07, 2010 at 9:35:46 PM
Researchers have revealed that a commonly used anti-inflammatory prescription drug has the ability to prevent skin cancer.
Jean Tang, MD, PhD, assistant professor of dermatology at Stanford School of Medicine, celecoxib when applied topically has the power to prevent skin cancer although oral consumption of the drug may cause heart attack and stroke.

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January 10 World Laughter Day
January 12 National Youth Day
January 15 Army Day
January 26 India’s Republic Day, International Customs Day
January 30 Martyrs’ Day; World Leprosy Eradication Day
2nd Sunday of February World Marriage Day
February 24 Central Excise Day
February 28 National Science Day
Sources believe Google will soon announce a service for buying and selling data, similar to those Iggy Fanlo, adBrite CEO, said his company already offers. "When data becomes increasingly valuable, the focus gets turned on the audience," he said. "Who you're looking for becomes more important than where to find them."
adBrite provides data to advertisers from BlueKai, Lotame, eXelate and other partners without taking additional revenue. Fanlo sees it as a benefit to advertisers that increase their budgets and spend as return on investment rises.
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adBrite CEO Iggy Fanlo provides an overview of the emerging value of ad exchanges in the online video industry and explains how adBrite maximizes value for advertisers and premium publishers in this interview with Beet.TV.
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Last week, adBrite, an independent ad exchange, won a Stevie Award for the Most Innovative Company of the Year based on its 2010 launch of video pre-roll ad units. AdMonsters asked adBrite's CEO, Iggy Fanlo, a few questions about online video advertising, video standards like VAST and VPAID, video ad spend and operations.

Technically speaking, IPv6 will not have an effect on ad serving since the protocol is backward compatible with IPv4, using readily available migration tools, according to adBrite's VP of engineering Daniel Issen. "The impact will mostly be on audience reach and identification because client source addresses may be hidden behind centralized IPv6 translation addresses. There will be a need for IPv6 geolocation databases," Issen said.
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What is driving online ad growth? The economy to start, but one expert says it is more than an improving economy. I recently had the chance to chat with Fanlo about how ad exchanges are beginning to appeal to more advertisers and how that is changing the ad space.
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Display advertising is making a comeback. Across the board, display ad spending is up and across all mediums, too -- banner ads, rich media and video, included. But what's leading this resurgence, and how can advertisers take advantage of it? For answers, we spoke with Iggy Fanlo, CEO of adBrite in this week's edition of Website Magazine Radio.
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Online advertising is being radically transformed by technology that lets advertisers use sophisticated audience data to bid for ads through instant auctions. The result is that advertisers can fill screen space with a targeted ad in the milliseconds it takes to load a web page. So-called “real-time bidding,” which has emerged over the past two years, is helping fuel rapid expansion of a raft of San Francisco-area companies...
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